Medicine Hat Media

Posts Tagged ‘Rob Sparks’

A couple weeks ago we were contacted by Rob Sparks of Shaw TV who stumbled across Medicine Hat Media and he so kindly offered to interview us about the website, so of course we took him up on the offer!

We met up with Rob at The Medicine Hat College one afternoon and after setting up his equipment, he asked some questions and filmed Vaughn and I talking about Medicine Hat Media, and after a couple action shots of us typing away on our laptops and some post-interview production, the commercial was ready to air.

Being on TV was one of the sort of milestones that Vaughn and I both share. It is kind of akin to our presence on the Internet, because once you are on either, the possibility is there for an unlimited number of people to view your work. Also, I am not just so cool that I wore my sunglasses during the interview, but in actuality, I asked Rob if I should take them off, as it was sunny, and he said to leave them on.

The commercial airs every now and then on Shaw TV (Channel 10), but thankfully there is YouTube and you do not have to camp out to see it.

Shaw TV

Medicine Hat Media Shaw TV Interview Commercial



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