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Posts Tagged ‘Pet Safety’

As much as we all try to deny it and as much as we dread its arrival, it has arrived. The horrible cold-to-the-bone six month winter has undeniably made its presence known. For most of us that means changing out the wardrobe, winterizing vehicles and RVs, and of course stocking up on hot chocolate. However, there is additional preparation required for those people of the world that have furry friends, and wish to keep them from becoming furry ice cubes. Even though dogs have fur that doesn’t mean they don’t need a little bit of winter help. It is true that breeds such as Huskies and Malamutes are a little bit more cold-equipped (they have practice from running all those dog sled races), but even they need a nice warm shelter. Below I’ve listed a few tips for keeping your best friend a happy puppy while the winter rears its ugly head.

  • All dogs that spend any more than ten minutes outside at a time do require a heated shelter. For my three Golden Retrievers (Amber, Rocco, and Herc) I have a dog house with an overhead heater that keeps them comfy as well as a heated pad for Amber, who is old and hates winter as much as the next Florida Retiree. Of course, living inside the house is preferable but obviously this isn’t realistic for people like myself with three large dogs that get very rowdy.
  • I know we’ve all seen those ridiculous pampered little pooches with fluffy jackets strolling down the streets, or god forbid in their owner’s purse. As hilarious as they look, breeds with short hair do appreciate a little bit of extra warmth when it is cool outside. Such breeds include, Chihuahuas, Miniature Pinschers, Whippets, and Greyhounds. Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately) some dogs just prefer the au natural look and will refuse that jacket like the plague. Don’t bother pushing it, it will be mostly fruitless.
  • Booties! Another seemingly ridiculous accessory that really does serve an important purpose. If your dog will tolerate them (I know mine wouldn’t) these silly little shoes will protect your puppy from dangerous hidden objects in the snow, give them a better grip on ice, and protect from getting frostbitten pads.
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