Medicine Hat Media

Posts Tagged ‘Novel’

Book Cover

Shamus Ghillie U.S. Secret Service In Medicine Hat Book Cover

I would like to bring to your attention, a recently released novel by Native American author David Walks-As-Bear relating to Medicine Hat:

Overview: ( Historical Fiction )
Shamus Ghillie is a half-Choctaw-half-Irish elite ex-Confederate soldier who is, also, a man of the wild and untamed West. But, he’s also a man of rare and unusual skills as a hunter of both animals and men. It is Ghillie, with his unique talents, that President Grant wants to secretly enlist to handle the trouble along the boundary of the newly formed nation of Canada, just north of the Montana Territory. But, men like Ghillie don’t come easily, and, if they come at all, they don’t come cheap.

Amazon Book Link



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