Medicine Hat Media

Monday Night at the Movies: Le Week-End

A bittersweet comedy about a long married couple spending a weekend in Paris is the featured film for Monday Night at the Movies on March 17. The film screens at 7.30 pm at the Monarch Theatre.

Nick and Meg Burrows return to Paris, the city of their honeymoon, to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Designed as a weekend to rediscover some romance in their sometimes bumpy marriage, long-established tensions break out in humorous and often painful ways. Along the way they bump into one of Nick’s old writing buddies, played by Jeff Goldblum, who has become a successful if somewhat vain New York author. Nick and Meg are played by veteran British actors, Jim Broadbent and Lindsay Duncan.

The film is directed by Roger Mitchell, who directed the classic, Notting Hill, in 1999.

For more information and reviews about Le Week-End go to: or or

Monday Night at the Movies is an initiative of the Friends of the Medicine Hat Public Library. Proceeds from the films fund special projects for the library, such as the purchase of special equipment, licenses to show films at no charge, funding children’s and young adults’ projects, purchasing dvds for the library’s collection and more.

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