Medicine Hat Media

Facebook Connector

Facebook Connector is no longer installed on Medicine hat Media due to speed/loading issues as well as poor coding/design implementation of the WordPress plugin.

I could go on a long Facebook rant like I did a couple days ago about Twitter, but I’m pretty sure everybody knows what Facebook is, and most likely also know how they spend too much time on it. What you need to know is this: Facebook Connector has been implemented so that you can log in to Medicine Hat Media to comment through your Facebook login. What this means is that you can comment on the site and it will link back to your Facebook profile as well as take your current Facebook profile picture. This will only work if your privacy settings allow. For example, if you don’t have a public profile or public picture, they won’t be displayed – it doesn’t break any of your rules. You will also be able to do some other things like write status updates directly based on your comments or posts on the site. I’m sure I am missing other functions as well – I also seen a cool little Facebook overlay pop up on the site when I logged in via Facebook through Medicine Hat Media.

To log in using Facebook, click the “Facebook” login button above the comment submit section of every post. Normally though, it should log you in automatically if you are already logged into Facebook. Facebook and Medicine Hat Media now go together like bread and butter, and a hamburger between them, and maybe some BBQ sauce.

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